• Opening Time : 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM


ISO Certified


We Provide The Best Way To Success Your Migration

Mr.Singh Immigration is the top leading brand in Immigration consultancy in Jammu. Mr.Singh is a young and energetic Team which provide you the best services. We have Best experience in immigration consultancy.A complete in-depth free counseling on one to one basis for students to chart out their career path for education abroad, right from institution selection to taking the flight. Mr.Singh Immigration provides Free Service to students and parents, "Mr Singh Immigration " has developed Professional Consultancy service center, a "One Stop Service Center", for education abroad.

Trusted by Millions

Most trusted & recommended by millions of students

Awards Winner

Most trusted & recommended by millions of students

Our Missions

We Journey The Global Business to Ensuring The Guarantee

For the last years, We have helped students, business persons, tourists, clients with medical needs. There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available.


What Clients Say About Us and
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